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The types of pronouns.

  1. Personal( личные) pronouns

  2. Indefinite( неопределённые) pronouns

  3. Possessive(притяжательные) pronouns

  4. Reflexive(возвратные) pronouns

  5. Emphatic( эмфатические) pronouns

  6. Demonstrative(указательные) pronouns

  7. reciprocal(взаимные) pronouns

  8. interrogative( вопросительные) pronouns

  9. conjunctive(соединительные)

Personal Pronouns



1st person



2nd person



3d person





I, we, you, he, she – are mainly used for persons.

I, we, you- are indifferent to gender.

He – is masculine.

She – is feminine.

It – is used for animals, concrete meanings and abstract notions.

She- is sometimes used for inanimate objects, especially ships, motor cars, aircraft, etc.

The personal pronouns change for case. There are two cases for personal pronouns – the nominative

case and the objective case.

The Nominative Case - именительный падеж.

The Objective Case – объектный падеж.

The Nominative Case

The Objective Case

















1. Insert in each blank the appropriate pronoun (he or she; him or her; his or her; it or

its; they or their; you or your).

1. Let each of the girls take_____ own place. 2. Either Charles or Henry will lend you ____pencil.

3. You were more successful than___.4. Neither of them wore____ uniform.

5. If any one inquires about me, tell _____ that I am well. 6. Each of the students took____ share in the work. 7. We are stronger in mathematics than____.8. I would go if I were____.9. Will either of you, girls, lend me___ pencil? 10. Each pupil was asked to name___ favourite author.

2. Insert in each blank the appropriate pronoun (I, he, she, it, we, you and they).

1. The pencil is in the box. not on the desk. 2. The windows are not open. .....are shut.

3. Ann is here. not there. 4. What colour are the decks? ..... are brown

. 5. Put the match under the box. Where is....? 6. Put the pieces of paper on the table. Where are.....?

7. The boy is in the class. Where is...? 8. Where are the pencils? ..... are in the box.

9. What are you? .... am a student10. Where are.....? ...... are in the classroom.

Possessive Pronouns



1st person



2nd person



3d person





Possessive pronouns are used in absolute forms: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs. Usually the nouns are not used after them.

3. Insert in each blank the appropriate pronoun (his, her, our, your, their)

1. This is not John’s pencil. red. 2. ....friend’s desk is near the window.

3. Put..... exercise-books on the teacher’s table. 4. Tom’s textbook is not there. ..... exercise-book is here. 5. Mary is Ann’s friend. She is.... friend too. 6. The students are in the classroom. ....coats and bags are here. 7. Look at my green gloves...... are brown. 8. Who is..... friend? 9. Where is..... coat?

10. What is this girl’s name? is Mary.

4. Insert in each blank the possessive pronouns.

1. I am a student. is...... 2. Peter and Nick are engineers. ........friends are engineers too.

3. What are ...... names, girls? ..... name is Helen, ...... name is Kate. 4. We are doctors. ..... friends are doctors too. 5. Jane, put.... exercise – books on my table. 6. My friend is a teacher. is Jack.

7. I have a sister. .... name is Mary.8. They work together. ..... work is interesting. 9...... friend is in the room. 10. Give me ....... text- book, please.


5. Insert in each blank the possessive pronouns.

1. I am a student. is...... 2. Peter and Nick are engineers. ........friends are engineers too.

3. What are ...... names, girls? ..... name is Helen, ...... name is Kate. 4. We are doctors. ..... friends are doctors too. 5. Jane, put.... exercise – books on my table. 6. My friend is a teacher. is Jack.

7. I have a sister. .... name is Mary.8. They work together. ..... work is interesting.9...... friend is in the room.10. Give me ....... text- book, please.

6. Put in “my”, “his”, “her”, “our”, “their”

1. Is this Miss Brown’s coat? – No, it is not. ....... coat is grey. 2. Are these your pens? – No, they are not. ........ pens are blue. 3. Is this Mr Jackson’s hat? – No, it is not. ....... hat is black. 4. Are these the children’s books? – No, they are not. ....... books are red. 5. Is this Mr Davis’s dog? – No, it is not. ....... dog is brown and white. 6. Is this your father’s tie? – No, it is not. ....... tie is orange. 7. Are these your shoes? No, they are not. ........ are old. 8. Are these Mr Black’s children? – No, they are not. ....... are playing in the garden. 9. Is this your car? – No, it is not. ....... is in the garage. 10. Is this their mother? –No, she is not. ........ died.

Reflexive Pronouns



1st person



2nd person



3d person





The reflexive pronouns are formed by adding –self (in the plural – selves) to the possessive pronouns

in the 1st and 2nd persons and to the objective case of the personal pronouns in the 3rd person.

7. Insert the appropriate “self - pronoun”.

1. He had injured......2. I ...... have not been there for more than five years.

3. What do you suggest.......?4. The pupils ...... decorated the hall with flowers and garlands.

5. During the breaks the children amuse..... in the playground. 6. John..... wrote and posted the letter.

7. We protect..... from the rain with an umbrella.8. I ...... was to blame.9. He did it.......10. He settled.... as comfortably as he could.

Demonstrative pronouns.

There are four demonstrative pronouns in English: this, that, such, same.

The pronouns this and that change for number. This- these, that- those.

8. Comment on the use of the pronoun that (those) and translate the given sentences into Russian.

1. The impression conveyed by his mouth and chin was that of a delicate and highly sensitive nature.

2. His temperament was that of a poet.

3. The figure was that of a middle- aged man.

4. Burlop’s reaction was unexpectedly different from that of others.

5. A low wall divided the court yard from that of the next house.

6. I found that I was crossing the bridge over the Regent’s Park Canal, which runs parallel with that in the Zoological Gardens.

7. His face was that of that of a comic actor, a singer of songs, a man never at a loss for an answer.

8. The child meekly raised his eyes, and encountered those of Mr. Bumble..

9. The features were certainly those of a Forsyte...

Indefinite Pronouns.

The indefinite pronouns express various degrees and various kinds of indefiniteness.

  1. indefinite pronouns proper:

  2. some (несколько), any- употребляется вместо “ some” в вопросительных предложениях; no- употребляется в отрицательных предложениях.

  3. somebody( кто-то), anybody, nobody;

someone (кто-то), anyone, no one;

something (что-то), anything, nothing;

  1. one, none

  2. distributive pronouns:

  3. all( все, всё), every( каждый, каждая, каждое, каждые), each, other( другой), either( каждый из двух), neither( ни тот ни другой), both( оба, обе);

  4. everybody, everyone, everything

  5. quantitative pronouns:

much( много), many( много), little( мало)- употребляется с существительными, не поддающимися счёту, few( мало) - употребляется с существительными, поддающимися счёту , a little( не много), a few( не много), a lot of, lots of, a great deal, a great many.

9. Change the following sentences according to the model:

Model: I didn’t buy anything. - I bought nothing.

1. I didn’t do anything. 2. I didn’t see anyone.3. I didn’t meet anybody.4. I didn’t feel anything.

5. I didn’t find anybody.6. I didn’t go anywhere.7. I didn’t know anything.8. I didn’t see anything.

9. I didn’t find anything.10. I didn’t bring anything.

10. Fill in the blanks with the indefinite pronouns:

1. Is there..... interesting in the magazine?2. There are... books on the table.3...... in the house is clean and good.4. There is........ here.5. She will tell us ...... about her work.6. She doesn’t want ....... new dresses.7. Is he going ....... today?8. Good morning,........ .9. He never goes by train, he goes ...... by aeroplane.10. They want a house, they have ...... to live.11. Is ...... coming to see us today?

12. There aren’t ....... pencils in the box.13. I didn’t see..... yesterday, I was at home.

11. Supply some or any or their compounds:

1. “Give me ....... cold milk to drink,” said Mary.2. He may turn up at ...... moment.

3. “And have you ever heard ...... about him since that time?” he inquired.4. Didn’t he give you..... in exchange?5. Has.... seen my books?6. If ..... calls, tell him I am busy.7. The driver can stop the engine at ...... moment he pleases.8. I like flowers, but I haven’t..... now.9. Wasn’t there ...... telephone in the house?10. May I give him.....more ham.

12. Supply “some” or “any” or “no”:

1. There is ... ink in my pen.2. Is there ...... snow in the street this morning?3. My mother likes...... music.4. Are there ....... chess- players here? 5. There are ....... diagrams in the new book.

6. Are there...... newspapers on the table? 7. Was there..... water in the glass or ..... milk?

8. There was ... soap in the box; he used it to wash his hands.9. Do you like...... apples?

10. My brother doesn’t like...... carrots.

13. Fill in the spaces with “somebody”, “anybody”, “nobody”, “everybody”:

1. Has...... in the group got a dictionary? 2. ......... left a magazine in our classroom yesterday.

3. The question was so difficult that....... could answer it. 4. .......... knows that water is necessary for life. 5. Is there....... here who knows French? 6. You must find ....... who can help you.

7. ....... knew anything about America before Columbus discovered it.8. I saw..... in the train yesterday, who looked like you.9. There is ....... in the next room. I don’t know him.10. Please tell us the story, ....... knows it.

14. Translate these sentences from English into Russian:

1.На столе лежит что-то круглое. Что это такое? 2. Никто об этом ничего не знает.3.В городе много парков. Везде деревья и цветы. 4. В этой комнате кто-то есть. 5. Анна живёт где- то в этом районе. 6. Я никого не знаю в этом городе.7. Дай мне, пожалуйста, что- нибудь поесть.

8. Кто- нибудь знает адрес нашего учителя. 9. Всё в порядке. 10. Мы слышали эту песню повсюду.

15. Insert in the blanks with “some”, “any”, “no”, “the”:

1. Суп (вообще) содержит много воды. ......... soup contains much water.

2. Суп готов. ....... soup is ready.

3. Дайте мне супу. Give me ....... soup.

4. Название этого супа - борщ. The name of ...... soup is borshch.

5. Прежде всего, нам нужно согреть воды. First of all we must heat........ water.

6. Прежде всего, нам нужно согреть воду. . First of all we must heat........ water.

7. Вода состоит из водорода и кислорода. ........ water consists pf hydrogen and oxygen.

8. Мыло необходимо для мытья. ....... soap is necessary for washing.

9. На умывальнике нет мыла. There is........ soap on the wash- stand.

10. Мыло на полке. ...... soap is on the shelf.

16. Translate from Russian into English:

Много тетрадей, много молока, много воды, много дней, много газет, много мела, много снега, много лет, много картин, много музыки, много мальчиков, много девочек, много чая, много лимонов, много мяса, много комнат, много учителей, много работы, много воздуха, много птиц, много машин.

17. Translate from Russian into English:

1. В столовой есть кто-нибудь? 2. В саду никого нет.3. В нашей комнате есть кто- нибудь? 4. В нашей библиотеке есть кое - какие книги на английском языке? 5. Мой дядя хочет мне что-то сказать.6. Расскажите мне всё о вашем путешествии.7. Если вы захотите что- нибудь поесть, идите в вагон- ресторан.8. На другой день мой брат знал всех.

9. В кабинете врача есть кто-нибудь? 10.Там есть кто- то.

18. Put the following sentences in the negative and interrogative forms:

1. They have done something. 2. He has given them some money.

3. You have brought something for us. 4. I have taken some English books from you.

5. She was reading something. 6. He has written a letter to somebody.

7. Somebody by the name of Petrov lives on the third floor.8. They have some English books.

9. There are some tall trees in front of their house. 10. There are some good book shops in our district.

19. Fill in the blanks with “somewhere”, “anywhere”, “nowhere”, “everywhere”:

1. I put my dictionary ....... yesterday and now I can’t find it........ 2. You must go ....... next summer.

3. Did you go ...... on Sunday? 4. Let’s go....... 5. I can not find my glasses.......

6. I always put them ...... and then look for them for hours. 7. Today is holiday. The streets are full of people. There are flags, banners and flowers........ 8. Did you go ...... yesterday? 9. I haven’t seen him......... 10. I know the place is ....... about here, but exactly where, I don’t know.

20. Supply “both” or “all”:

1. The films were very interesting (both). 2. These two men are wearing black shoes (both). 3. They will go to the library on Sunday (all). 4. The students have done their home assignment perfectly well (all). 5. The boys are riding the bicycles (all).6. The tests are very difficult (both). 7. My books are English (all). 8. They were ten minutes late (both) 9. The members are sitting at table (all). 10. The shoes are dirty (both).

Reciprocal Pronouns.

There are two reciprocal pronouns in English: each other, one another. Both each other, one another can be used when speaking of two persons. When more than two persons are meant, only one another is used.

Interrogative Pronouns.

Interrogative pronouns: who(whom)(кто, кому), whose(чей, чья, чьё), what(что), which(который, которая, которое, какой и т.д.), how much(сколько)- is used for uncountable nouns ; how many(сколько)- is used for countable nouns.

21. Insert in each blank the necessary interrogative or demonstrative pronoun:

1. .... hat is mine. 2. With ..... did you go there? 3. I prefer..... to....... . 4. The air of hills is cooler than..... of lowlands. 5. ....... is he? He is a doctor. 6. ......... do you want to do with..... article.

7. ....... put you..... questions? 8. The ceiling of my room is higher than ...... of yours.

9. About ...... are you talking? 10. ......... of them is most like yours? 11. ....... did you say this parcel was for? 12. ......... did you give the letter to?

Conjunctive Pronouns.

The pronouns who (whom), whose, what, which, how much, how many and that are used to connect subordinate clauses with the principal clause.

Test №1.

1. Point out all the pronouns, state the class to which they belong:

1. I shook him warmly by the hand......2. He moved down the stream a few steps....3...... they both got new hats.4. No one was at home.....5. None of them quite knew what she meant.

6. I will tell you everything there.7. He made no answer.8. “Who is there?” he asked sharply.

9. “I thought everybody knew that....” 10. Both women knew that he had no liking for disputation.

2. Copy the following sentences choosing the correct pronoun:

1. How (much, many) pages have you translated? 2. She made (little, few) mistakes in her dictation.

3. There are (much, many) high mountains in the Caucasus. 4. Who has (less, fewer) mistakes, John or Peter?

5. There is (little, few) ink in this inkpot. 6. We have received (much, many) valuable information.

7. (Much, many) planes passed over there. 8. There is (little, few) water in this well.

9. There was (much, many) fruit last year. 10. There are (much, many) bears in the zoo.

3. Translate into English:

1. На столе много учебников? – Да, много. 2. В классе есть доска? – Нет.

3. В классной комнате 4 стола и 7 стульев. 4 .В коробке есть мел? – Да, есть.

5. На парте есть бумага? – Нет, там нет никакой бумаги. 6. На столе много хлеба? – Да, много.

7. Сколько тетрадей в сумке? – Восемь. 8. Что на столе у преподавателя? - Учебники, тетради, книга, ручка, кусок мела. 9. Сколько студентов в классной комнате? – 12 человек.

10. Сколько ламп на потолке? – 2 лампы.

4. Put in “me”, “him”, “her”, “us”, “them”:

1. Give Jane this watch. Give..... that one, too. 2. Give the children these ice- creams. Give..... those ones, too. 3. Give Tom this book. Give that one, too.4. That is my note- book. Give.... my note- book, please. 5. That is my coat. Give..... my coat, please.6. Those are our umbrellas. Give..... our umbrellas.

7. Take my pen. Sasha, give me...... pen. 8. Masha brought...... pencil.9. Put..... bag on the floor.

10. ....... hall is very large.

5. Read the following sentences; translate them into Russian:

1. Have you much coffee? – No, I have very little. 2. Haven’t you any tea? – Yes, I have a little.

3. There is some milk in that bottle. 4. Not many English people speak Turkish.

5. They have few friends here. 6. He has little time for reading. 7. Peter has a lot of Russian books and a few English books, too. 8. Some of the boys went by car, but most of them went by bus.

9. Would you like some tea? 10. One of the pupils was there.

6. Insert “some” or “any” making the appropriate compounds if necessary:

1. There’s ... milk in the jug. 2. I am afraid there isn’t..... coffee left.

3. Is there.... one here who speaks Italian? 4. I’d like to buy....... new clothes but I haven’t..... money.

5. Are there..... letters for me? 6. I can’t see my glasses....... where. 7. She put her handbag down..... where and now she can’t find it. 8. ....... one can tell you how to get there (everyone knows the way)

9. Is there ...... one moving about downstairs? I heard..... thing failing. 10. ...... thing tells me you’ve got bad news for them.

7. Fill in the blanks with “few”,”a few”,”little”, “a little”:

1. My sister likes.... sugar in her tea, but I like a lot in mine.2. There was still..... time before the lesson began. 3. He has ......... knowledge of the subject. You’d better ask somebody else.

4. We got ...... pleasure from the trip, the weather was bad all the time. 5. Are there many vacant rooms in the hotel? – No, there only......6. There is ....... sunshine in this rainy place. 7. She said she wanted to buy...... rice and ...... oranges.8. Do many people know about this new shop? – No, only......

9. I have ...... time, so I can’t go with you. 10. There are..... people who don’t know that the earth.

8. Use “some”, “any”, “no”:

1. I want to show you ...... pictures. 2. There is.... coffee at home. 3. Are there ...... bookshelves in your study room? 4. There are...... English students in our University. 5. Are there........ newspapers on his desk? 6. Have you got ...... children? 7. Jane has ....... brothers or sisters. 8. Has he French magazines at home? – Yes, he has..... 9. I have........ friends in Britain. 10. We have...... pets at home.

9. Use “some, “any”, “no”, “something”, “anything”, “nothing”, “somebody”, “anybody”, “nobody”:

1. Do you have.....classes today? – No, we have.... classes on Saturday. 2. Have you got ...... questions?

3. I want to tell you ...... interesting about our friend Sally. 4. Is there ...... interesting in today’s paper?

5. Come here, I’ll show you ....... pictures of our country house. 6. There is ... in the fridge. Go and get ...... food. 7. Do you know....... in that house? 8. Hi! Is there ...... in the house? – No, I am afraid, there is..... Let’s go and see. 9. There is light in the flat. ..... is at home. 10......... knows their new address.

10. Use “much,” “many”, “little”, “few”:

1. I am busy now. I have ... time. 2. We know...... English and American songs. 3. There is not ... milk in the fridge. 4. There are ...... rooms in the house. 5. Does he read.....? 6. Are there ...... bedrooms in your house? 7. ......... people know Chinese. 8. .......... people learn English. 9. Nick has...... English books but very.... Russian books. 10. There is ....... light in that room, because there are ...... windows in it. 11. She talks......., but does..... 12. Is there ...... or ....... furniture in your new flat?

Test 2.

1. Use “few”, “little”, “a few”, “a little”:

1. There is ...... light in the bathroom. It is dark. 2. We have...... relatives, only a grandmother and an uncle. 3. I know ....... people who like to stay at home. 4. We have very..... time. 5. There are........ rooms in their flat. 6. He speaks Chinese..... and knows ...... words in Japanese. 7. Wait........ .

8. Has he got many English books? – No, only........ 9. I have........ books on the shelves.

10. I speak...... English.

2. Use “I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “we”, “they”, “it”:

1...... is a teacher. 2. ....... are a good friend. 3. ...... is a table. 4. ...... am a student. 5. ...... is Mr. Robinson. 6. ...... is a cat. 7. a young man. 8. ...... am fine. 9. ....... is in London. 10. ....... is in the car.

3. Translate the sentences using pronouns:

1. There are (мало) foreign students in our Institute. 2. Tell us (несколько) words about your studies.

3. There are (несколько) ties in the box. 4. She is helping (своему) brother with his lessons.

5. (Их) children are at home.6. His children are so nice. I am fond of (ими).

7. We are answering (их) questions.8. The park is so beautiful and (его) trees are so high.

9. These books are good. Let’s give (их) to the children.10. Tom has no mother. (Его) mother is dead.

4. Insert in each blank the possessive pronouns:

1. He broke..... pen but gave me his.2. I don’t know where I put..... dictionary.

3. They always do..... lessons at home.4. It is cold today. You must put ...... coat.

5. He put his money into..... pocket. 6. She has cut..... finger. 7. This dictionary is........ and not yours.

8. This is your dictionary, and this is....... 9. This is Sasha’s dictation, and that is ...... dictation.

10. Where did you spend ....... holidays?

5. Insert the appropriate “self - pronoun”:

1. Don’t shave in the dark. You may cut........ . 2. He doesn’t speak about....... .

3. They told very much about ....... 4. I’ll post the letter .......

5. Everybody should be able to defend........ 6. Mr. Jones cut ....... shaving.

7. We speak for........ . 8. I have written this exercise ........ .

9. I am proud of my son. He has done his homework...... . 10. They did it........ .

6. Insert in each blank with “some”, “any”, “no”:

1. There are ... pictures in the book. 2. Are there ....... new students in your group?

3. There are........ old houses in the street. 4. Are there ....... English text –books on the desks?

5. There is ....... ink in my pen. I can not write. 6. Are there ...... pens on the desk? – Yes, there are ......... 7. There are ....... leaves on the trees. 8. Is there ....... paper on your table? 9. I haven’t got........ books. Give me ....., please. 10. Are there .... mistakes in my dictation?

7. Insert in the blanks with “something”, “anything”, nothing”, “everything”:

1......... is all right, the patient is much better today. 2. Is there........ interesting in the programme of the concert? 3. I don’t know ...... about your town. Tell me ....... about it. 4. Where is the book? – It is on the table. - No, there is.... there. 5. Give me ...... to read, please. – With pleasure.

6. I saw ...... near wood that looked like a tent. 7. I didn’t take any money with me, so I couldn’t buy........8. I understand ... now. Thank you for your explanation. 9. There is ....... white in the box. What is it? 10. My new eyeglasses are very good, I can see.......

8. Translate from Russian into English:

Немного денег, мало денег, несколько стульев, мало стульев, несколько песен, мало песен, немного веселья, мало веселья, мало мальчиков, немного воды, несколько человек, мало воды, мало воздуха, мало столов, несколько минут, несколько кошек, мало травы, немного удачи, несколько дней, мало работы, немного соли, несколько ложек, мало света, мало окон, мало яиц.

9. Fill in the blanks with “much”, “many”, “little”, “few”, “a little”, “a few”:

1. He had ... English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more books. 2. She gave him ...... water to wash his hands and face. 3. I’d like to say ...... words about my journey. 4. After the play everybody felt ....... tired. 5. Let’s stay here..... longer: it is such a nice place. 6. There were ...... new words in the text, and Peter spent ....... time learning them. 7. There was ...... water in the river, and they decided to cross it. 8. My mother knows German ....... and she can help you with the translation of this letter. 9. At the conference we met........ people whom we knew well. 10. If you have ....... spare time, look through this book..

10. Fill in the blanks with “some, “ any”, “no” or their compounds:

1. Have you relations? – No, I haven’t, I have ......... relations. 2. Has she........ nephews or nieces? –No, she has..... nephews. 3. She has........ sisters, she has only brothers. 4. Do you know ....... about Chinese Art? 5. They have ...... cousins in Minsk. 6. Have you ....... brothers? No, I haven’t ......., I have ... brothers. 7. I have ....... good friends. 8. We didn’t’t know........ about his problems: he told us ...... . 9. Have you got interesting books? 10. Have you ... friends in America?


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