Веселый английский
We are healthy when all parts of our bodies and of our minds work together properly. We can not be happy unless we feel well. The Ancient Greeks knew the value of good health. They even named one goddess Hygeia, which means goddess of health. Hygeia was the daughter of Asclepius, the god of medicine. The Greeks prayed to her to give them good health. The Romans spoke of health in a proverb: A healthy mind in a healthy body. In addition to physical health, an understanding of mental health is also important. The body does a great deal to take care of itself, but by learning a few important health rules, it is possible to help the body to work at its best. Many people will say: “Good health means not being ill.” .That is true. But health is more than that. Good health is something positive. We have good health when our bodies and our minds are able to work at their best. The human body is much more complicated than any machine. Yet it needs less day- to –day care than machine. No machine can do all the things the body can do. No machine will work for 70 years or more, day and night, requiring only air, water, food, and a few simple rules.
Hygeia Гигея
Asclepius Асклепий
properly должным образом, как положено
unless если не
goddess богиня
to pray молиться
mental умственный, психический.

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